Heidi: I had a total of 3 tattoos when I started having my photo taken. A giant pirate ship on my back, a frozen heart in flames on my chest, and a crappy Jason Voorhees hockey mask on my outer right thigh which is now definitely covered up with a giant black panther. When I moved to Oregon, that's when I started to get more tattoos. Tattoos that were actually good haha! So I'd say they both happened at the same time.

IA: You're also a hair stylist, how do you find time to do both?
Heidi: I worked in a few independent salons, and corporate for about 10 years before finally working for myself 100% almost 3 years ago.
Let's just say life is SO much easier now that I work for myself. The best advice I could give anyone in the beauty industry is to work for someone else BRIEFLY just to gain better time management skills and gain experience before going out on your own.
I definitely could have gone out on my own a LOT sooner. I didn't realize how ready I was until I actually made the big move. It was FREEING.
Because I've been doing this for so long. I've been able to gain quite a nice following and clientele in the process, so I went from working 5+ days a week in the salon to working 2 days. Sometimes ONE day even. I like to stack everyone up in one or two days that way I have more time off to do whatever else I want to focus on like content creation, my fitness, photography, travel, Netflix and chill.
Priorities people.
IA: Who is one tattoo artist you don't have tattoos by, but you wish you did?
Heidi: There are so many amazing artists honestly. Kind of tough! Carl Grace is dope. l love how saturated his black and grey work is.
IA: What was your most painful tattoo?
Heidi: My fingers SUCKED. My back SUCKED. I think it all sucks. I hate getting tattooed but I am convinced everyone looks better naked if they're tattooed. It's body decor am I right? I want to finish my back really bad, although I'm dreading it.
IA: Do you have any funny tattoo stories?
Heidi: Ain't nothing funny about getting tattooed. Unless its a funny tattoo of course then maybe there's some laughing involved. Otherwise, pain :/
This one time I got my outer calf tattooed while at an expo. I drank tons of beer to try and dull the pain. I went back to the hotel and stopped at Taco Bell on the way. I woke up in the middle of the night to the throbbing pain of my new tattoo AND I was covered in and surrounded by Taco Bell everywhere, Cheese in my bra yall. #tbellforever
IA: How did you create the photo on the tee? Who took it/where/when?
Heidi: I was talking with IA for a while before it actually happened so I had some time to plan and prepare.
Waited til I had the undies/bralette to actually take the final product images.
Photos were taken by James Ramsey in our photo studio/shop.
VERY convenient being able to content create with my significant other! Truth be told I like having James tell me jokes while were shooting so my facial expressions stay honest and not forced.
I realize now the most as someone who photographs other people that if the face ain't right, then you don't have a successful image.
The face brings it all together, so RELAX the mouth and just have fun! :)
IA: Where can people find you?
Heidi: My official website is undergoing a facelift right now heidilavon.com Otherwise you can catch me on Instagram @Heidi Lavon or on Youtube ETC! :)
CLICK HERE to pick up one of Heidi's Tees, Tanks, Hoodies or pillows!